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Author Archives: Coach

Meal Cooking

Making a dinner of chicken breast, beef, or vegetables can taste different based on how you cook the food. That isn’t the only thing that differs with each cooking method.... Continue Reading

March Madness Time

March is an exciting time for college basketball fans, but you can use this month to prepare us for the spring and summer seasons. Before you know it, you will... Continue Reading

Don’t Exercise Emotional

Exercise helps to “blow off some steam.” In fact, exercise can be a way to sneak from hectic days and take your mind off your stresses. A steady, consistent exercise... Continue Reading

Self Love

Self Love is Important. You are Important. Challenge yourself to love yourself even more. Based on positive psychology and positive self-talk, these 9 exercises will help you every day. Here... Continue Reading

Mustard Greens?

You may have seen mustard greens at the store or even had a recipe calls for them, but what are Mustard Greens? Mustard Greens Taste People say that mustard greens... Continue Reading

Snow Sports

Winter and cold weather means winter sports. That means sporting opportunities in the snow. It is hitting the slopes with skis or snowboards time. Taking off down the hill brings... Continue Reading

A New Day

The month is closing fast. How are your health and fitness goals? Need a reboot? Here are a few simple daily tricks to get you back in the game. 5... Continue Reading

Not only Almond Milk

Milk from a nut? It was not that long ago that Almond milk was the new thing. According to reports, sales of almond milk have been skyrocketing by more than... Continue Reading

Stress Less Holiday Meals

Stress Less Holiday Meals Hosting holiday meals takes a lot of steps with menus, food preparation, and last-minute changes that always happen. It can all be a bit overwhelming. The... Continue Reading


Apples are a popular fall fruit for many people. Fall In the Fall, there are many areas that have local farms that allow you to pick your fresh fruit from... Continue Reading