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Stress Less Holiday Meals

Stress Less Holiday Meals

Hosting holiday meals takes a lot of steps with menus, food preparation, and last-minute changes that always happen. It can all be a bit overwhelming. The chaos of the day can be a little less stressful with a few tips.

  1. Menu planning- start by writing out your whole meal which includes your grocery needs. Save that for the upcoming years. You will be able to use this each year to help you save time and shopping will be easier.
  2. Plan ahead- Know how long it will take to make your meals. That way you can stagger time for your cooking if needed.
  3. Prep your food- What can be done ahead of time? How about washing and chopping veggies to save a step.
  4. Prep your serving- Ahead of time pull out the serving dishes and platters you will need. Be sure that they are clean and ready. Also grab your serving utensils and do the same with those. Go ahead and set the table before the big meal.
  5. Get others involved- who can help you? Everyone can lend a hand with something for the big day. Did anyone offer to bring something? Let them, especially if they are a good cook.
  6. Cook Ahead- What can be done ahead of time? Baking is one thing.
  7. Breathe and Take a Break- Go easy the day before.

May your day be joyous and go smoothly.

