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Author Archives: Coach

Short Sleeves Time

Warmer weather means wearing short sleeves, tank tops, and cute dresses that show arms and shoulders. Are you ready to have summer ready arms that can last through the year?... Continue Reading

Radishes Please

Radishes are a low-calorie veggie option that can spice up your food and make for a healthy crunchy snack. The most common radish is the red ball kind that is... Continue Reading

Craft Off Your Stress

Are you seeing pictures again on social media of art night where your friends gathered to paint pictures or do pottery? These nights are getting very popular, and some include... Continue Reading

Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen 2022

The Environmental Working Group is known to be responsible by creating the list of the most contaminated produce with pesticide residue. Knowing what is on the list each year is... Continue Reading

Morning Routines

Each new morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. If you start rushed and stressed, chances are you’re going to feel the same way throughout the day.... Continue Reading

Room for Mushrooms?

Mushrooms are a dirty vegetable that grow in the ground. These gems are packed with power when you eat them. There are over 1000 kinds of mushrooms and most often... Continue Reading

Mango Tango

Are mangos a part of your food intake or are they only island treats? Mangos have polyphenols the are said to help breast cancer and colon cancer along with a... Continue Reading

Post Workout Foods

There are many ways to combine foods that help you speed up recovery and increase your energy in those intense workouts. The food you eat postworkout can help you. The... Continue Reading