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P90X Results Women – Mandy L.

Mandy L, a certified Personal Trainer and P90X Certified Trainer, struggled with weight issues most of as a teen and well into her 20s. Her self-esteem and confidence were dipping with every pound she gained. Crazy schedules, tragedies in her family, and pregnancy contributed made Mandy feel like her life was out of control and her health suffered.

Just before her 30th birthday Mandy was talking with her Grandmother, recapping the last decade of her life. Her Grandmother said something that really resonated with her: “Your 30s will be the best years of your life.” Mandy thought about this for awhile and realized if her Grandmother was correct, she needed to stop feeling sorry for herself, and begin a life-changing journey.


Mandy began her fitness journey slowly. She experimented with expensive weight-loss clinics and restrictive diets, with limited success, but was unable to sustain any real weight loss.

Enter P90X.

Mandy’s Team Beachbody Coach, introduced her to the 90-day program and three rounds later, she had dropped 110 pounds. Of course, people started taking notice and asking Mandy how they can achieve great success like her. So, Mandy decided to become a Beachbody Coach so she can help as many people as possible achieve their goals… and earn an extra income while doing it.


