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P90X Results Men – Nathan A.

More great P90X results from those who bring it!

This Division I NCAA football player suffered a painful and serious foot injury, and his doctors told him his foot would never be the same. Nathan would not be denied and took on the Beachbody Challenge! He lost 25 lbs in just 90 days of P90X® + Shakeology® and won $1,000 in the Beachbody Challenge for his awesome P90X results!

“I didn’t want to have to deal with arthritis the rest of my life! After 90 days of P90X and drinking Shakeology daily, I lost 25 lbs (194 down to 169), I lost 7% of my body fat (12% down to 5%) and got absolutely ripped/shredded, my serious life altering foot injury and its arthritic pains/symptoms have been healed. I had always struggled to lose weight and get really ripped. Now I am in the best shape of my life!!!”


