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Joel Freeman and Amoila Cesar BODi Block Schedule (Unofficial)

Add a little more iron to your Iron BODi Block with my Joel Freeman and Amoila Cesar hybrid Iron Bodi Block Schedule.

What is a BODi Block?

BODi (formerly Beachobdy) introduced BODi Blocks in 2023 as a new way to take advantage of an old concept – periodization.  BODi Blocks are simple, sustainable, and a highly effective way to reach your goals. 4 new fitness plans starting the first Monday of every month. Each Block features 5 workouts a week for 3 weeks followed by an UP Week (which stands for Unconditional Progress) to reset and recover.

If you’re an old-school Beachbody user like me, think P90X.  Remember how each phase of the program ended with a recovery week that allowed your body and your mind to recover so you could approach each new phase with more energy?

Well, this is a similar concept and after two months of doing BODi Blocks myself, I am convinced this format belongs in my life.

The one BIG problem I had with BODi Blocks

There are four different BODi Blocks to choose from each month: All BODi (complete fitness), Iron Block (focus on weight training), Bike Block, and For Beginners Only Block.

Which block you choose will obviously depend on your goals, what equipment you have, and what type of training you prefer.

For me, the choice was simple, I went with the Iron Block.  Everything started off great but soon I hit a major snag.  As a guy who developed his love for home workouts with programs like P90X, Body Beast, and LIIFT4, I was expecting those types of no-nonsense trainers.  While I knew Sagi Kalev wasn’t on the menu, I was hoping to be blessed with some other trainers with his “in your face” style that works for me.  I wanted the vibe of pumping iron in a dungeon and the reality of what I was presented with couldn’t have been further from that.

A few of the trainers featured heavily in the latest block particularly just didn’t connect with me at all.  It’s just a matter of personal preference but to say I was disappointed in the choices for the IRON Block would be putting it mildly.

Joel Freeman Amolia Cesar hybrid BODi Block

My solution: the Joel Freeman and Amoila Cesar hybrid BODi Block.

So there I was conflicted.  I loved the format and the concept of the BODi Blocks and the Iron Block but some of the trainers that were chosen for these workouts completely fell flat for me.  The solution was pretty simple.  I used the filters on the BODi platform to isolate the workouts from two of my favorite trainers, Joel Freeman and Amolia Cesar to find specific workouts that would fit into the Iron Block structure.

Below you will find a free PDF of the Joel Freeman and Amolia Cesar Hybrid BODi Block that I designed.

Please note: this schedule was not produced nor endorsed by BODi or any of its trainers.  This is just something I came up with as a fan and independent BODi partner.

All I ask in return is that if you are not working with a BODi partner already, you consider joining me for free by going to


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