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Each day you will have a dedicated fitness plan that includes a step-by-step process. Every day when you start your workout you will know exactly what to do because you will have a trainer guiding you on proper form and pushing you to keep going.


Nutrition is where you get the results you are looking for. Our Challenge Group focuses on guiding you through a well-developed meal plan that goes right along with your workouts. This is the biggest key to the success of your new fitness journey.


This group is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. You will have myself as an accountability coach as well as a group of people behind you all the way. We will be here to pick you up when you feel like giving up and also be here to celebrate your success.


By bundling your fitness with optimal nutrition supplements, you will not only save money but also achieve your health and wellness goals more efficiently. With at-home workouts, you not only save time but also cut down on commuting expenses.

Let’s build your pathway to victory!

Text Me
‪(813) 602-5162‬



Here are some people who have benefited from my challenge groups.

"Chad is always encouraging and helpful, his goal is to lead people into a healthier lifestyle through the BODi platform of convenient at home workouts and that’s why his accountability group is so important not only to me but all of us in it. His knowledge of programs and nutrition really helps us in finding a program to fit our current goals and needs. I know seeing everyone’s consistency and dedication every day is a huge factor in my own consistency."

~ Bob

"Although my time with Bodi has been relatively short lived, it has me feeling extremely healthy and strong again. I am able to do a wide range of workouts, from weightlifting to biking, yoga stretches, and meditations that have regained my strength, confidence, and mindfulness. This fitness family is ALWAYS motivating me through experience and support. I love sharing my journey with these friends and I am very proud to be part of this group. I surely would not have done it without you Chad, and the rest of my fit fam!"

~ Stacy

"Chad Pink and the Digital Underground Fitness group have been one of the best things to add to my fitness journey. The support, motivation, love and even occasional comisseration that I have found while being a part of this group have allowed me to elevate my own mindset and fitness expectations. If I wake up and don't feel like getting it done, there are always soo many people posting and talking to each other that it gives me the push I need to get moving. Chad is always there to offer support and suggestions. He checks in personally, every once in a while, to see if there is anything he can do to help YOU specifically. LOVE my fit fam!"

~ Tammy